China's Latest Viral Food Documentary is All About Breakfast

The new Tencent Video production satisfies our rapid bite-sized content consumption cravings and increased obsession with food.

by Grigor Grigorian, 07 May 2019

Guangdong Cuisine Featured in New Netflix Documentary

Netflix features a savory new show on Chaoshan eats, and it's worth your time.

by Tristin Zhang, 13 March 2019

Documentary Profiles Shenzhen's Van Goghs

A fascinating look at Shenzhen's Dafen 'oil painting village,' known for mass producing classics for bargain prices.

by Bailey Hu, 24 February 2018

Leonard Cohen Honored with Tribute Concert in Shenzhen

Singers and musicians remember the poet of song.

by That's PRD, 26 January 2018

The Western Filmmakers Behind iQiyi's Viral Wang Feng Documentary

How three brothers from York, England stumbled upon an opportunity to share the story of China's biggest rock star.

by Jocelyn Richards, 07 December 2017

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