DeAille Tam of Shanghai's Obscura Named Female Chef of 2021

The executive chef, DeAille Tam, of one of Shanghai's top restaurants, Obscura, is named Asia's Best Female Chef of 2021.

by Sophie Steiner, 25 February 2021

What's Open (and Closed) in Shanghai After CNY Holiday

Find out where you can get some food and drink!

by That's Shanghai, 28 February 2020

Post-Ephemeral Hype, Does Five Guys Hold Up? Nah.

A very long line for overpriced and average.

by Sophie Steiner, 18 June 2021

The Nest's Mark Klingspon Shares Coronavirus F&B Safety Practices

See how the team behind The Nest, The Cannery, JUJU and Rye & Co are adjusting procedures and getting back to work.

by Cristina Ng, 11 February 2020

Chase Williams on Devastating Impact of Coronavirus on Shanghai F&B

'The general industry expectation is that it will take at least six months for most businesses to recover.'

by Matthew Bossons, 08 February 2020

The Hot and Cold of China F&B in 2019

Who was hot (and not) in the world of China bars and restaurants this year? Our F&B thermometer measures it all up.

by Cristina Ng, 02 January 2020

Dongping Lu Venues the Latest to Be Shut Down

See which Shanghai venues are the latest to shut down.

by Bridget O'Donnell, 17 April 2017

What's Open (and Closed) During CNY 2020 in Shanghai

Plan your Chinese New Year eating and drinking activities in advance to avoid crushing disappointment.

by Cristina Ng, 21 January 2020

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