With the latest edition of our Explore China travel guide now on sale, we wanted to show you some of the adventures you’re missing out on without this handy travel companion.
Follow That’s writer (and part-time apiarist) Joshua Cawthorpe as he explores the beautiful city of Guangzhou (VPN off):
Explore China isn’t just about hitting the most popular and hottest tourist spots in town. It is also a guide on how to explore these places through the eyes of experienced travelers and locals. Neither a backpackers’ or luxury guide, Explore China is relevant to everyone, from expats and Chinese nationals currently living in the Middle Kingdom to those visiting from other countries.
The beautiful 185-page perfectly bound book contains:
• Historical and geographical facts and points of significance
• Where to stay, eat and drink, with must-try dishes and local delicacies
• Transportation information, airports, railway and road connections
• A shopping guide with tips and local products worth looking out for
• UNESCO World Heritage Sites and sacred mountains
• Informative features to help you understand China
• Fun day trips and destinations to visit from major cities
• China’s ethnic minorities and their culture
• Chinese characters and pinyin to facilitate travel and communication
• Must-have apps, and how to set up a phone and digital payment system
Explore China is split up into five sections...
Travel Tips
From the most useful travel apps to learning more about China’s ethnic minorities and cuisines.
Southern Beauty
Learning Cantonese on the busy streets of Guangzhou and vacationing in Sanya’s seaside paradise.
East of the Sun
Snacking on xiaolongbao in Shanghai and strolling through Suzhou’s famous classical gardens.
The Great White North
Getting lost in Beijing hutong and Xi’an’s famous Muslim quarters.
The Mountainous Southwest
Climbing peaks in Yunnan province and visiting China’s cutest critters – pandas – in Chengdu.
Reserve Your Copy Now!
Click here to purchase the brand new Explore China right now for the sale price of RMB198.
You can also scan the QR code below for a fast and easy purchase:
[All images via That’s]
READ MORE: Here Are 34 Places You Need to Visit in Greater China
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