Pick of Six Shanghai Art Exhibitions: July 10-16

By Andrew Chin, July 10, 2015

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A recurring look at what's happening at Shanghai's art galleries:

1. New British Inventors: Inside Heatherwick Studios

New British Inventors: Inside Heatherwick Studios

The world-renowned designer and creator of the UK Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo is the subject of this exhibition that is part of the 2015 UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange. The exhibition explores their creative process highlighting finished products alongside experiments with forms and material. Established in 1994, Heatherwick Studio currently employs a team of 170, including architects, designers and makers.
// July 10-Aug 8. Power Station of Art.

2. Jonone: Solo Show


The Magda Danysz favorite first exhibited at the gallery in 2009 and is back in the city that often serves as inspiration. The New York native is one of the leading figures in the street art scene with a wholly unique style inspired by Chinese calligraphy while bursting with vibrant colors. He was awarded the French Légion d’honneur this January and returns to Shanghai with an exhibition of all new works inspired by the city.
// July 10-Aug 31. Magda-Danysz Gallery.

3. Gas Station VIII: The Rubber Trumpet

Gas Station VIII

This ongoing series launched in 2008 as a platform for young Chinese artists. This exhibition features new works by Guo Xi and Yi Xin Tong.
// July 11-Aug 30. Vanguard Gallery.

4. Work, Rest & Play: British Photography from the 1960s to Today

Martin Parr - New Brighton

Over 400 images by 38 acclaimed photographers and artists will be presented in this exhibition that is part of the 2015 UK-China Year of Cultural Exchange. The exhibition details the changing face of British culture over the past five decades starting from the swinging sixties to the economic recession of the 1970s to the Thatcherist 1980s to the ‘Cool Britannia’ 1990s to the still difficult to define new century. Exhibited photographers include Martin Parr (see above), Anna Fox (see cover image), Terence Donovan and Tim Walker.
// July 12-Aug 23. Minsheng Art Museum.

5. Wang Huangsheng: Flux

Wang Huangshen - Flex

Pearl Lam Galleries celebrate the eminent artist and Director of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Wang Huangsheng. Inspired by traditional xie-yi paintings, Wang uses a vareity of mediums from ink to mixed media injecting the form with contemporary art practices. Flux also features the site-specific perofrmative installation ‘Wrapping,’ which consists of a huge net of entangled iron wires that have been subtly burned.
// Until July 20. Pearl Lam Galleries.

6. The Private Collection of Jin Hongwei

The Private Collection of Jin Hongwei

The newly opened Shanghai Center of Photography (SCoP) joins the Yuz Museum and Long Museum West Bund in the budding cultural West Bund hotspot. For their debut exhibition, they’ve dipped into the collection of Charles Jin Hongwei for a series of 20th century classics. Some of the artists featured are Henri Cartier-Bresson, Annie Leibovitz, Robert Mapplethorpe and more.
// Until June 22. Shanghai Center of Photography, 2555 Longteng Avenue, by Fenggu Lu 龙腾达到2555号

// All images rights belong to the artists and are courtesy of the galleries. For more Pick of Six selections, click here or for more Shanghai event guides, click here. Get them sent directly to your phone (as well as restaurant reviews, giveaways and other goodies) by adding Thats_Shanghai on WeChat and Facebook.

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