Venomous Snake Bites: What to Do When Disaster Strikes

Watch out! May through October is snake season in the PRD.

by Bailey Hu, 29 May 2019

'McRefugee' Population Soars 500% in Hong Kong

One McDonald's had 30 regular overnight sleepers, according to a recent survey.

by Bailey Hu, 07 August 2018

50 Debtors' Personal Details Posted Online in Shenzhen

In addition to restrictions on travel and luxury purchases, not paying your debts can now get you publicly humiliated in China.

by Bailey Hu, 02 August 2018

Man on the Street: Recycling Scavenger

A day in the life of a dumpster diver.

by Bailey Hu, 19 July 2018

The Rock Visits Hong Kong to Promote Latest Film 'Skyscraper'

While there, he met up with a veteran climber of sky-high towers.

by Bailey Hu, 09 July 2018

Viral Trump Commentary by 'US Professor' Actually Written in Shenzhen

Not only were Trump 'statements' falsified, but the article has also been attributed to an associate professor of economics in Shenzhen.

by Bailey Hu, 22 June 2018

Shared Nurse Apps Raise Concerns in China's Biggest Cities

While they promise convenience, nurse-sharing platforms also lack official oversight.

by Bailey Hu, 20 June 2018

China Immigration Rejects WeChat Border-Cross Scheme

Could the 'scan-WeChat-to-cross-border' idea be dead before it even launched?

by Bailey Hu, 13 June 2018

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