9 Trips That Should Be On Your China Bucket List

By Sponsored, July 11, 2021

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July & Aug | 7-Day Northern Xinjiang Journey

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Xinjiang, the remote land of Northwest China, is a place of glittering cultural relics and breath-taking views. This seven-day Northern Xinjiang journey takes in the bazaars of Urumqi, the Heaven Lake of Celestial Mountains, horseback riding in Kanas (known as God's Back Garden) and a visit to the lakes and mountains of this stunning part of the world. Explore the history and culture of ancient kingdoms and experience the local exotic flavor.

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July & Aug | Silk Road Xinjiang: Kashgar, Turpan & Urumqi

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Travel through a stunning scenery of snow-capped mountains, pine forests, glistening glaciers, expansive grasslands and arid desert. Flying into Kashgar, highlights include: the Old Town of Kashgar, with its Grand Bazaar, Aitigar Mosque and Tomb of the Fragrant Imperial Concubine; Turpan, with its ancient well systems and Thousand Buddha Caves; and the bazaars of Urumqi and Heaven Lake of Celestial Mountains.

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July 16-22 & Aug 7-13 | 7-Day Guizhou In-Depth Ethnic Tour

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Nestled in mountains and by rivers, the ethnic villages of Guizhou are immune to the fast development of the rest of the country. For those who have a soul to be free, this seven-day tour will refresh your body and mind. Discover this mountainous province hidden in a corner of Southwest China that remains secreted away from the travel trail. In this legendary land, you will meet the Miao people and their brilliant and colorful culture and enjoy a full day exploring Huangguoshu, China’s largest and arguably most beautiful waterfall, as well as walking in the Karst stone forest.

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July 17-21 & Aug 7-11 | 5-Day Ningxia Wine Tasting & Desert Camping

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Ningxia, located in the remote, arid northwest, is a frontier region of nomadic breeders and sedentary farmers, and home to Muslim travelers of the Silk Road; a land of Buddhist statues, cave inscriptions and royal tombs of ancient dynasties. Tour a local winery, tasting the libations and learning about the region's booming industry, explore beehive-shaped imperial tombs of the Western Xia Dynasty, take in the magnificent Tenger Desert, overlooking the Yellow River at Qintongxia Grand Canyon and camp out in the clear desert night sky studded with twinkling stars.

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July 23-27 & Aug 6-10 | 5-Day Inner Mongolia Desert & Grassland Tour

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Explore the endless blue sky, vast grasslands and nomadic tradition of ethnic Mongols. Enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, live in a traditional Mongolian yurt and watch the sunrise over the Xilamuren Grassland. Try some desert activities like camel riding, sand sliding, glider flying and motor racing in the Kubuqi Desert. Visit Dazhao Monastery, the largest and most well-preserved lamasery in Hohhot and discover the Tibetan Buddhist Culture of Five Pagoda Temple.

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July 24-25 | RMB700 5-Star Libre Resorts Rafting & Swimming

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Located in Huangshan, Anhui Province, Fuhua Libre Resorts is a heavenly space surrounded by mountains, forests and green fields, ideal for a vacation immersed in quiet natural beauty. Huizhou Grand Canyon is just 16 kilometers away, with winding cliffs, silver waterfalls, clear streams, crystal clear pools and springs, all surrounded by bamboo and pine forests. And for those seeking a thrill, you can choose to go rafting!

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July 24-31 & Aug 10-17 | 8-Day Silk Road Adventure Tour

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This trip is the perfect combination of culture, adventure, history and natural wonders. Visit everything from UNESCO World Heritage sites to magnificent mountain ranges and deserts. Starting in Lanzhou, you will then have the chance to visit Chaka Salt Lake, Zhangye Danxia Landforms, Jiayuguan Pass Great Wall and Dunhuang Mogao Caves. Enjoy a sunset view of the colorful Rainbow Mountains, marvel at the geometric beauty of the Weijin Tomb Murals and enjoy a camel trek in the desert sand.

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July 30-Aug 1 | RMB680 Mountain Resort Pool Party

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Escape chaotic city life and the stuffy Shanghai air, and head up to Linan to enjoy the coolest summer pool party amidst a stunning bamboo forest in the mountains. Just three-and-a-half hour's drive from Shanghai and you’ll be gathering around the bonfire with your fellow travelers, taking part in fun games and enjoying delicious local meals, refreshing drinks and awesome music. All over three days and two nights for just RMB680.

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All Summer | 6-Day Amazing Guizhou Tour

Image courtesy of Dragon Adventures

Arriving in Guiyang, famous for its leek dishes and sour and spicy foods, you'll then head to Huangguoshu Falls, China’s largest and arguably its most beautiful waterfall. The trip also takes in remote areas with stunning scenery that only those in the know can reach, as well as visiting the largest Miao village in the world. Eat with the local people, and try many amazing dishes that you can only find in this part of China. 

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[Cover image courtesy of Dragon Adventures]

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