BodyLab Dance Center Rhythmic Gymnastics & Dance Summer Camp
BodyLab Dance Center is an international lab with three locations in Shanghai.
Spend your summer holiday dancing, creating and performing in their exceptional and fun summer dance camp. After training, they offer Rhythmic Gymnastics Competitions and Hip Hop Battle.
Each session combines the study of a variety of technique classes including:
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Contemporary, and more
BodyLab welcomes all levels and different age students to join them.
Feel the Rhythm with BodyLab!
Age: 5-12 years old
Date: Competition Training Camp July 3-Aug 4; Summer Camp July 3-Aug 25 (2 weeks per camp)
Time: Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm & 1-4pm
Price: RMB4,000-6,600/2 weeks* (depending on style and duration)
*Special early bird discount if you sign up before May 30; sign up with more than one child and get a friend and sibling discount.
Click Here For More Information
Bodylab FOR Location
A310 FOR, 2108 Yanggao Zhong Lu, Pudong District
Tel: 021 5897 8606
Bodylab Weifang Location
2/F, 70 Weifang Xi Lu
Tel: 021 6890 8929
Bodylab Zhangyang Location
No.2, 1/F, Building 3, Lane 1550, Zhangyang Lu
Tel: 021 5058 0559
Sign Up Now
Nicole BodyLab
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Redbox Musical Theater Summer Camp
What makes people happier in a hot summer than in the world of musicals?
Musicals are the performing arts of drama, music and dance. With the Redbox professional team, feel the magic of the musical in six days of summer camp.
Every student will also have the opportunity to get individual one-on-one guidance from the teacher.
Redbox deeply feel that every student should have the opportunity to be the star!
Age: 9-15
Date: July 10-15
Time: Mon-Sat, 9.30am-4pm
Price: Early Bird Special RMB6,999 before June 20; RMB7,300 after June 20
Location: The Pearl, 471 Zhapu Lu, by Wujin Lu
Contact: Scan the QR code...
Exclusive British Coach (BHS) Led Equestrian Summer Camps
Hosted by former professional, international British representative rider and BHS coach Brian Mclean:
Double riding sessions plus a horse & stable management class and knowledge learning class every morning
Each day has a theme: Safety; Handling Horses; Care & Welfare (basic veterinary skills); Equipment; Position & Key Aids of Riding Correctly
Award of Royal Blue Equestrian Certificate of Achievement & Rosette
Held in partnership with Jay’s Ranch at Sanlin Branch, Pudong
Max riders per week is 8, first bookings secure places
Date: July 3-7, July 10-14
Time: Mon-Fri, 8.45am-1pm
Price: RMB8,880* per person
Location: Jay’s Ranch Equestrian Centre, 1200 Changqing Lu, Pudong
*100% refund up to 10 days before start and 50% up to 5 days only
For more details, clothing, directions map and to make bookings please contact...
WeChat: wx-lw123
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Horse Riding International Camp
Certified French Qualification Riding School
International coach team of bilingual Chinese and American coaches
Located in a nature park with greenery and natural science classes
Multi-sport camp with horse riding, ping pong, basketball, swimming, badminton
Age: 6 years old and up
Date: July 4-7; July 11-14; July 18-21; July 25-28; Aug 1-4; Aug 8-11; Aug 15-18; Aug 22-25
Time: Tue-Fri, 8am-5pm
Price: RMB5,980
Location: Shanghai Westend Equestrian Club, 199 Qiugan Lu, Changxing Countryside Park
Contact: Call 183 0626 2549 or scan the QR code...
LMS Sport Medicine
If you’ve never heard of LMS, you are truly missing out. As the only school of its kind in Shanghai that educates kids about the importance of health, their summer camp should definitely be on every parent’s radar.
With this year’s summer camp theme being Sports Medicine, LMS plans to incorporate exciting sports activities (inspired by the Olympic Games) along with lessons on relevant medical aspects.
Kids are always active, so it’s never too early for them to learn about things like sports injury prevention and treatment, exercise for health, as well as training and nutrition advice.
Kids can choose from three different themes or join all three if they are up for it. LMS also offer an early-bird discount too, if booked before May 30.
Age: 5-11 years old
Date: July 3-Aug 25, 5 days a week
Time: 9am-4pm
Price: RMB4,300 per week early bird until May 30, RMB4,600 per week after May 30
Location: Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong, 266 Lan'an Lu
Contact: Scan the QR code...
Lime Dance 2023 Summer Kids Dance Camp
Lime Dance is located at the downtown area, and offers different kinds of dance classes with international instructors. Styles include:
Jazz Funk
Modern Dance
Heels Dance
MV Dance
Heels Dance
Chair Dance
Broadway Musical Theater Dance
Lime Dance continuously absorbs world concepts and trends to improve and innovate the classes and performances. This summer, they are offering three camps...
Kids Hip-Hop, Age 4-6
Learn the basic elements of hip hop, and develop technical skills that will help in dancing
Learn a piece of choreography which at the end of the camp will professionally filmed, with detailed selection of outfit for each child
Age: 4 to 6 years old
Date: July 31-Aug 13 (two weeks, 20 classes in total); Shooting day Sat Aug 12
Time: Mon-Fri, 4-5.10pm (30 mins/class, each class 10 mins break)
Price: RMB3,200; Early Bird before June 15 RMB3,000; 2 people sign up together RMB2,800
To ensure class quality, this camp is limited to 10 students maximum.
Kids Hip-Hop, Age 6-10
Learn basic elements hip hop, jazz funk and modern dance, and develop technical skills that will help in dancing
Learn a piece of choreography which at the end of the camp will professionally filmed, with detailed selection of outfit for each child
Age: 6 to 10 years old
Date: July 31-Aug 13 (two weeks, 30 classes in total); Shooting day Sun Aug 13
Time: Mon-Fri, 2-4.30pm (45 mins/class, each class 5 mins break)
Price: RMB5,600; Early Bird before June 15 RMB5,200; 2 people sign up together RMB4,800
To ensure class quality, this camp is limited to 15 students maximum.
Teenager K-pop MV Dance, Age 10-14
Improve body awareness, learning technical aspects including body, muscle and power control
Specially designed homework and self practice exercises with instructors guiding will help kids to learn how to express themselves through movement and perform on camera
All kids will join a Professional MV shooting, leaving a great memory and experience
Age: 10 to 14 years old
Date: July 24-Aug 6 (two weeks, 30 classes in total); Shooting day Sun Aug 6
Time: Mon-Fri, 2-4.30pm (45 mins/class, each class 5 mins break)
Price: RMB5,600; Early Bird before June 15 RMB5,200; 2 people sign up together RMB4,800
To ensure class quality, this camp is limited for 15 students maximum.
Click Here For More Information
Tel: 021 6271 3931
Instagram: limedanceshanghai
Address: 6B, No.8, Ruijin Yi Lu, by Julu Lu 瑞金一路8号6B, 近巨鹿路
Or scan the QR code...
Sunrise International Kindergarten Summer Program 2023
A mix of fun, learning, creative and enriching activities and experiences in a bilingual setting:
Daily phonics lessons
Role playing
Water fun
Field trips
Fun Events
Physical activities
Creative crafts
Story time
Themed lessons
Weekly themes:
Fantastical fairy tales I and II 奇幻童话1和2
Going to the space 太空遨游
Under the sea 海底探索
Climbing on a rainbow 彩虹漫步
If I was an insect 亲触大自然
Returning to the past 回归原始
Age: 18 months to 6 years old
Date: July 3-Aug 25
Time: 8am-4pm, but children can arrive at any time
Location: No.2, Lane 9, Hengshan Lu, Xuhui District 徐汇区 衡山路 9弄 2号
Contact: Scan the QR code...
CRGG Beginners Summer Camp 2023
CRGG Academy has a worldwide reputation for progressive golf education of the highest quality.
At CRGG Academy Shanghai, they have developed a reputation for excellence and quality, building a proud tradition to educate golfers for the future.
The CRGG Academy team of certified golf instructors/coaches have designed a program featuring instruction, game stations and driving skills and drills that develop fundamental skills and experience with the fullswing, shortgame and putting, with basic rules of golf and player etiquette for juniors who have an interest in gaining more golf experience.
These camps are designed to give juniors a comprehensive, fun, and safe learning experience where all areas of the game are covered, starting with fundamentals and working up to higher level skills.
Meanwhile, CRGG trains the kids to learn to understand and respect others through teaching them the core values, rules and etiquette of golf, cultivating their interest in the game and bringing out the best in each golfer to maximize their potential and goals in golf through the summer camp activities.
Age: 4-12 years old
Date: Camp 1: July 4-7; Camp 2: July 25-28; Camp 3: Aug 1-4
Time: 2-6pm
Price: RMB8,888 per camp
Location: Tomson Golf Club, No. 1, Longdong Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai
Contact: Sally Liang 134 7242 7551
Click Here For More Information
CRGG Players Summer Camp 2023
The Player’s Summer Camp offers beginner, intermediate and advanced junior golfers the opportunity to continue developing all parts of the game, including 18-hole rounds of golf under the guidance of a CRGG certified golf instructor each day.
CRGG Academy will arrange fun games and competitions, such as Best Gross Score, Best Net Score, Longest Drive and Nearest to the Pin every day to inspire junior golfers’ positive and winning attitude.
Participants will receive comprehensive instruction on all facets of the game including putting, shortgame – chipping, pitching, bunker shots, fullswing – iron approach shots and woods.
Interactive games which incorporate drills with mental components of the game are a major part of this camp.
CRGG Academy endeavors to be the best at educating your kids about the wonderful sport of golf in a safe, fun, and family friendly environment.
Age: 7-17 years old with playing experience before
Date: Camp 1: July 10-14; Camp 2: July 17-21; Camp 3: Aug 7-11; Camp 4: Aug 14-18; Camp 5: Aug 21-25
Time: 9am-5pm
Price: RMB25,000 per camp
Location: Tomson Golf Club, No. 1, Longdong Avenue, Pudong, Shanghai
Contact: Sally Liang 134 7242 7551
Click Here For More Information
Awesome Summer Camp
Awesome Kids is back for their 13th year for their Awesome Summer Camp with a summer of fun and learning using their awesome play-based approach at Awesome Kids Academy!
Age: 2-6 years old
Date: June 12-Aug 25
Time: 8.30am-3.30pm
Price: RMB3,500/week*
*Discounts for multiple weeks
Location: Awesome Kids Academy
Contact: Scan the QR code...
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