Influencer Arrested after Live-streaming Faked Suicide Attempt

By Lars James Hamer, December 8, 2021

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Police in Shijiazhuang in Hebei arrested a woman who live-streamed a ‘suicide attempt’ in what was ultimately a grasp to gain new followers, according to Global Times

Over 1,000 people watched the woman’s hour-long broadcast, in which she claimed she was going to commit suicide by jumping in to a river. 

The social media ‘star’ never truly intended on jumping in to the river and she was found by police patrolling the area before anything serious happened.

Both the police and most of the viewers of the debacle were not only worried about the women’s safety but also the implications of live-streaming a suicide attempt. 

The woman is still being held by local authorities on suspicion of disturbing public order. 

Fake live-streams have become a common occurrence in China. 

In 2019 DouYu live-streamer Her Majesty Qiao Biluo, seemingly a young woman, was revealed to be a middle aged woman using a series of filters and softwares to drastically alter her appearance. 

Her Majesty Qiao Biluo’s true self was revealed during a glitch on her live-stream, which showed her actual appearance to the audience. 

[Cover image via Wikimedia]

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