Traveling Over Spring Festival Might Not Be So Easy

By Alistair Baker-Brian, January 15, 2021

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Spring Festival is fast approaching. And with new COVID-19 cases across China, many areas have tightened rules regarding quarantine and testing depending on where you travel from.  

Advice remains to avoid travel if you can during Spring Festival. But as it stands, this is merely just advice for the majority of people. And let’s be honest, there’s no canceling Chinese New Year.  

With this is mind, below is a list of requirements for each provincial capital on the Chinese mainland. Requirements are listed based on whether a passenger has arrived from a low, medium, or high-risk area. The travel code mentioned below refers to 行程卡, which is available via WeChat as a mini program.

NOTE: Below are the rules for domestic arrivals in provincial capitals, as reported by 健康时报. If you are traveling elsewhere, double check in advance what the specific rules are for that area. Remember that rules are subject to change.  

Hefei, Anhui

Arrivals from low-risk areas with local infections: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within three days

Arrivals from low-risk areas with no local infections: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo 14-day home quarantine and two nucleic acid tests 

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests


Arrivals from low-risk areas: Register on the 京心相助 app

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and a nucleic acid test


Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code 

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days (those without a negative test result must complete a 14-day quarantine in a designated location and undergo a nucleic acid test)

Fuzhou, Fujian 

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location

Lanzhou, Gansu

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo 14-day home quarantine and show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within three days

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests

Guangzhou, Guangdong

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code 

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo a nucleic acid test on arrival; undergo home quarantine 

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests

Nanning, Guangxi

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo 14-day home quarantine

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location

Guiyang, Guizhou

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code (those from low-risk areas with local infections will be tested upon arrival)

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location as well as 14-day home quarantine and four nucleic acid tests

Haikou, Hainan

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days (those without a negative test result must complete quarantine in a designated location and undergo a nucleic acid test)

Arrivals from high-risk areas: 14-day ‘medical observation’  

Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Shijiazhuang, Xingtai, Gaochang and Nangong are all currently under lockdown. Only designated personnel can pass through checkpoints to enter or leave the above areas. All residents have been given stay-at-home orders.

Harbin, Heilongjiang

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location as well as seven days home quarantine and three nucleic acid tests 

Zhengzhou, Henan

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Show a green health-code; undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location with two nucleic acid tests and a blood test

Wuhan, Hubei

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests 

Changsha, Hunan

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests

Hohot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code and green travel-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result (time period not specified) and a green health-code

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo immediate quarantine (time period not specified) and show proof of no travel history to Xingtai or Shijiazhuang in Hebei province since December 15 2020 

Nanjing, Jiangsu

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo quarantine in a designated location (time period not specified)

Arrivals from low-risk areas in Shunyi district, Beijing: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Nanchang, Jiangxi

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Changchun, Jilin

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Report to local community 

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo home quarantine and three nucleic acid tests

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-days of home quarantine or quarantine in a designated location depending on circumstances as well as seven-day ‘health-monitoring’ OR 21-days of quarantine in a designated location depending on circumstances; undergo four nucleic acid tests

Shenyang, Liaoning

Arrivals from low-risk areas in Beijing: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and a nucleic acid test every three days; undergo seven-day ‘health-monitoring’ after release from quarantine

Yinchuan, Ningxia

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code and green travel-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within three days; undergo seven-day home quarantine and two nucleic acid tests 

Xining, Qinghai

Arrivals from low-risk areas including no travel history to any affected areas: Show a green health-code 

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas including those with travel history to affected areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days; undergo 14-day home quarantine

Xi’an, Shaanxi

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Undergo 14-day ‘health monitoring’ and at least one nucleic acid test

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests

Taiyuan, Shanxi

Arrivals from low-risk areas in Hebei province: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days; undergo 14-day period of ‘self-checking’ for health symptoms

Arrivals from low-risk areas outside Hebei province: Show a green health-code and green travel-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine and two nucleic acid tests 

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests

Jinan, Shandong

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from low-risk areas nearby affected areas: Undergo a nucleic acid test (those who have left said low-risk areas for more than seven days can provide a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days and don't need any further nucleic acid tests)

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo two nucleic acid tests 24 hours apart and a blood test; undergo 7-day home quarantine


Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Undergo 14-day ‘health-monitoring’ and two nucleic acid tests 

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests

Chengdu, Sichuan

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from low-risk areas in Chaoyang and Shunyi districts, Beijing: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests


Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days; undergo 14-day home quarantine 

Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within three days

Arrivals from medium- and high-risk areas including those with recent travel history to affected areas: Show a green health-code and a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within three days

Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region

Arrivals from Hebei province and Liaoning province: Undergo quarantine (time period not specified)

Arrivals from Beijing with no travel history to Shunyi district: Undergo nucleic acid test upon arrival; inform local community of arrival and undergo ‘community health monitoring’ including nucleic acid testing 

Arrivals from Beijing with travel history to Shunyi district: Quarantine in a designated location (time period not specified)

Arrivals from affected areas in Heilongjiang province and Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region: Undergo quarantine (time period not specified)

Arrivals from other areas: Show a green health-code (‘better’ to have nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days)

Kunming, Yunnan

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code 

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Show a green health-code and a ‘health certificate’ (those without the aforementioned must undergo a nucleic acid test upon arrival)

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo 14-day quarantine in a designated location and two nucleic acid tests 

Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Arrivals from low-risk areas: Show a green health-code

Arrivals from medium-risk areas: Show a nucleic acid test with a negative result from within seven days

Arrivals from high-risk areas: Undergo seven-day ‘health monitoring’ by local community

Remember that rules for each area are subject to change depending on the situation. Before you travel, be sure to check, check and check again. 

READ MORE: China Doesn’t Want You To Travel During Spring Festival

[Cover image via Xinhua]

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