Last Updated: 16/06/2024 | Posted by: thatsmarketing
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May 25 - June 23, 2024
Venue Name
Another Art Museum
No.11,Gantang Avenue,Panyu District,Guangzhou City


He is an artist who constantly maintains his passion for creation and excels in conversation. Over the years, his direction in both creation and thought has continually evolved. As he puts it, his days are routine but never tiring, always seeking innovation and change.

This exhibition will comprehensively showcase the creative trajectory of artist Deng Hai from 2012 to 2024, highlighting his dynamic residency creation processes and cross-disciplinary collaborations. Additionally, it aims to reveal the captivating aspects of his personality hidden behind his works, presented in a more diverse and dynamic manner. The exhibition space is divided into three chapters, presenting an artistic rhapsody about Deng Hai.

Map of Another Art Museum

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