This Day in History: When Michael Jackson Came to China

The King of Pop visited the PRC for seven hours in 1987.

by Ned Kelly, 20 October 2023

This Day in History: Queen Elizabeth II Visits China

Joined by gaffe-prone 'Great Wally of China' Prince Philip.

by Ned Kelly, 12 October 2023

This Day In History: Mao Coins Communist Slogan 'Serve the People'

Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather...

by Ned Kelly, 08 September 2023

This Day In History: Opium Smoking Sugar Broker Takes Shanghai

Never underestimate an emaciated, opium smoking Cantonese ex-sugar broker...

by Ned Kelly, 07 September 2023

Cigars, Coffins & Concubines: Dogmeat, China's Basest Warlord

The day warlord Zhang Zongchang found out that it's a dog eat dog world.

by Ned Kelly, 03 September 2023

This Day in History: The Central China Floods of 1931

The deadliest natural disaster ever recorded.

by Ned Kelly, 25 August 2023

Meet the Man Who Exposed a $300 Million Chinese Fraud

An anonymous American investor talks about how he exposed a massive fraudulent funding scandal in China.

by Ned Kelly, 08 July 2023

TDIH: Andrew Bull's Hong Kong Handover Party of 1997

The largest rave Hong Kong has ever seen.

by Ned Kelly, 30 June 2023

In Case You Missed It…

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