Half Time

Last Updated: 21/09/2024 | Posted by: Estelle
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This event has finished
September 9, 2021
Venue Name
B1, No. 265 Nandan Dong Lu, by Caoxi Bei Lu
152 2105 3405

Half Time meets at the intersection of 90s tripped out electronica and contemporary dance music, with an ethos rooted firmly in downtempo, percussive IDM, drum n bass and ambient techno.
Half Time is an opportunity to dance at a tempo that’s more synonymous with Hip Hop and RnB. To explore underground electronic productions that don’t fit into the 120-140bpm zone.
The brainchild of Frau (China Social Club) + Venus Flytrap, each month the pair will treat the dance floor to electronic explorations from across the sonic landscape.
Half Time的音乐灵感来自90年代迷幻电子和俱乐部舞曲的交集,源自Downtempo、IDM、Drum n Bass和Ambient Techno.
周末的俱乐部已被130BPM以上的跳舞音乐占领,而120BPM以下的跳舞音乐也值得属于它们自己的夜晚。如果你喜欢俱乐部音乐,但经受不起4/4拍捶打;如果平时Hip Hop和RnB更能让你动起来、如果你的默认舞姿是body rolls,不妨都来试试Half Time.
Half Time由Frau(China Social Club)和Venus Flytrap共同策划,每月将邀请不同来宾诠释主题,在舞池中探索那些更少被传递的速度和情绪。

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