3.24 Saturday Child of the G-Funk: Cezaire

Last Updated: 21/09/2024 | Posted by: Clairesheng
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This event has finished
March 24, 2018
Venue Name
Le Baron
7/F, 20 Donghu Lu, by Xiangyang Nan Lu
5424 5181

Child of the G-Funk, raised in rhythmic powerful and groovy of the years 80'et and 90 ', Cézaire is for the electronic music, that was themovement " French Touch " at the dawn of the new millennium, the permanent musical renewal doubled of imperceptible one note offreshness.CEZAIRE is the founder of the trendy label ROCHE MUSIQUE.

Perpetually in search of inspiration parmis the robust musical culture that he built up itself (and as if it was not enough), the latter, at firstmusical blogger then creator of events, dashed into the extraordinary adventure of the musical creation, fort of its solid friendships withartists as KARTELL, or FKJ, but also, and especially, because of his love for the electronic music. Because Cézaire, beyond any artisticconsideration, is, and will stay as he likes to repeat him, a music lover " under all his forms ".

Map of Le Baron

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