Shanghai United International School (Qingpu)


Last Updated: 16/05/2024 | Posted by: Chrisychoi
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32 Yejin Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
(21) 5978 8662

Shanghai United International School Description

Adhering to its vision of "The future of education, in service to the world," Shanghai United International School Qingpu Campus (SUIS Qingpu) offers a comprehensive 16-year ‘through-train’ education to families, encompassing kindergarten, primary school, middle school, and high school. As the flagship school of the Xiehe Education, it fosters a diverse, balanced, inclusive, and innovative educational environment. SUIS Qingpu students strive for academic excellence, act with integrity, and exhibit the highest moral values, as responsible and aware citizens, empowered to be future leaders with ‘Chinese roots and global wings’.

SUIS Qingpu is committed to building a smart, research-oriented school of the future, transforming classrooms into ‘learning villages’ that integrate the power of new technologies, creating personalized learning experiences for students, and evolving from ‘learning through application’ to ‘applying in order to enhance learning’. By establishing data standards and service norms, the school designs personalized developmental pathways for both teachers and students. This involves collecting, integrating, analyzing, and utilizing data to promote the use of intelligent information technology in four key aspects of our campus’ operations: smart teaching, maintaining intelligent offices, improving security and safety, and energy consumption monitoring. We continually aim to create an intelligently coordinated and innovative campus.

The school has refined its unique “1+3+N” framework for the development of teacher and student competencies. This involves the entire school in advancing levels of teaching and educational research which in turn forms the framework for SUIS Qingpu’s teaching and learning quality system. The school maintains a firm commitment to integrating the practices and experiences of the national curriculum with Xiehe's distinctive courses. Based on solid subject teaching, the school features interdisciplinary teaching and project-based learning, creating an education system that allows students to go out into the world and return with ease. SUIS Qingpu focuses on cultivating students' practical abilities and sense of service, ensuring that in the process of exploring themselves and the world, students acquire a solid academic foundation, essential life skills, and a strong sense of social responsibility.

Our students’ parents are intimate educational partners at SUIS Qingpu, and together we create a high-quality educational environment that integrates school, society, and family. At SUIS Qingpu, students also gain more opportunities to participate in high-end innovative projects and cross-cultural exchanges. Since its establishment in 2019, our students have achieved excellent results in various domestic and international academic and non-academic competitions, with graduates being favoured by renowned universities around the world."

Map of Shanghai United International School

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