Guangzhou shop selling stuff toy of missing Malaysia Airlines plane

One store in Guangzhou has decided to put a lighter spin on the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, by selling a stuffed airplane toy embroidered with the characters 'MH370'....

by Joe McGee, 14 May 2014

Students at high school don face masks to escape foul smell

Students at a high school in Haifeng county, Guangdong province have been forced to wear blue surgical face masks in an attempt to mask an unberable odor that has plagued the campus...

by Joe McGee, 06 May 2014

Four detained after illegal bridge collapses in Guangdong, killing 11

Police in have detained four people responsible for the construction of a bridge in Guangdong province after it collapsed on Saturday, killing 11 people and severely injuring two, authorities...

by Joe McGee, 06 May 2014

Police arrest man suspected of killing six in Guangzhou home invasion

Guangzhou police have arrested a man suspected of killing a family of six during a home invasion on April 28, Guangzhou Daily reports.

by Joe McGee, 06 May 2014

Man found dead after working 190 hours of overtime

A 33-year-old man in Dongguan, Jiangxi province was found dead on April 9 after working straight through the month of March and accumulating 190 hours of overtime.

by Joe McGee, 21 April 2014

Thousands of staff go on strike at Adidas and Nike shoe factory

More than 30,000 staff at a Dongguan city shoe factory which makes footwear for Adidas and Nike have been on strike for several days, several rights group and a factory worker told AFP....

by Joe McGee, 18 April 2014

Botched surgery leaves woman with 'wandering breasts' on back and stomach

A now-banned breast implant procedure left a woman in Guilin, Guangxi province with 'wandering breasts' that ended up in her stomach and back, CNS reports.

by Joe McGee, 17 April 2014

Suicidal woman falls asleep on rooftop

A 50 year old woman who threatened to jump from a second-storey rooftop in Zhongshan, Guangdong province on April 14 saw her suicide attempt foiled when she fell asleep, Nandu reports....

by Joe McGee, 17 April 2014

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