Conflicting Tides: Digital Streaming and Live Music in China

Consumption of digital music in China is growing rapidly. But does this growth come at a loss for the live music industry?

by Bryan Grogan, 27 March 2020

3 New China Albums to Listen to This Month

Feast your ears on these three excellent Chinese releases this month.

by Bryan Grogan, 05 March 2020

That's Horoscopes: March 2020

Finally, a horoscope that understands your life in China.

by Bryan Grogan, 04 March 2020

UPDATE: Stereolab Latest to Cancel China Tour After Coronavirus Outbreak

A number of high profile music tours have been canceled in the wake of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China.

by Bryan Grogan, 20 February 2020

Hubei Reports Almost 15,000 New Coronavirus Cases in 1 Day

Additionally, 242 new deaths were reported in the province on Wednesday, February 12.

by Bryan Grogan, 13 February 2020

That's Horoscopes: February 2020

Finally, a horoscope that understands your life in China.

by Bryan Grogan, 04 February 2020

That's Horoscopes: December 2019

Finally, a horoscope that understands your life in China.

by Bryan Grogan, 29 November 2019

'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' China Release Date Confirmed

Fans of the franchise have been waiting a long time to see the final outing in the sequel trilogy, and the film is getting tons of hype in China.

by Bryan Grogan, 29 November 2019

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