Nude Man Rides Scooter Through Guangzhou

By Gary Bailer, May 26, 2017

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In Guangzhou, a man was recently spotted riding an electric scooter in the nude, according to a resident surnamed Wang who reported the incident to Tencent News.

The sighting happened shortly after 10pm on May 24. Wang was driving in the fast lane with a friend when he saw the unnamed man on Guangyuan Lu. According to Wang, there were plenty of cars on the road at the time but no pedestrians.


Wang said the 'birthday suit' biker kept pace with their vehicle for 2-3 kilometers before turning at the junction of Guangyuan Lu and Tianshou Lu.

Where he was going is anyone’s guess, but we hope it was to get clothing – as exposed skin tends not to fare well against pavement in the event of an accident.

[Images via Tencent News]

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