Construction on Asia's largest mountain tunnel to begin in June

A 30km tunnel which cuts through a mountain will get underway in June, as part of the ambitious Trans-Asian Railway Network.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 09 May 2014

US-China coproduction working on 3D version of 'Journey to the West'

US and Chinese filmmakers will collaborate to produce a re-make of the classic Chinese text "Journey to the West", according to Xinhua.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 09 May 2014

Giant water canons pulverize smog in Lanzhou

Officials have set up two giant water sprayers to dispel pollution through firing a massive blast of water into the air.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 09 May 2014

New 'Pinocchio Rex' dinosaur unearthed in Ganzhou

A comical-looking dinosaur which scientists are calling "Pinocchio Rex" because of its long nose, has been discovered by a group of construction workers in Ganzhou.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 09 May 2014

Official blames ancient text for his handing out $170,000 in illegal bonuses

A Guilin City official is being investigated for allegedly using a 4,000 year old book to determine how much he and his colleagues received in bonuses.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 08 May 2014

Drones search for escaped emu in Shanxi

Six drones are searching for a run-away emu, after the bird made a bid for freedom from a national botanical base in Linfen, Shanxi Province.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 08 May 2014

China-Japan relations improve as leaders plan Autumn meeting

Japan and China are edging their way towards talks in the Autumn with the countries' two leaders planning to convene at a formal meeting

by Rebecca Unsworth, 08 May 2014

Hong Kong teens who trashed Taipei apartment jailed

The Hong Kong pair who trashed a rented Taiwan apartment have been sentenced to five months in prison and 40 days labour for theft, forgery and damage to property.

by Rebecca Unsworth, 07 May 2014

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