The saddest man in the world is this guy in Nanjing who lost his dog

By Erik Crouch, April 29, 2015

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Dou Dou is gone, and 67-year-old Lu Huanxin's life is falling to shambles. The Nanjing pet owner has been missing his dog since January, but hasn't given up hope. He should probably give up hope.

Lu has been able to gather the support of local animal lovers in Nanjing to... hold signs pleading for Dou Dou to come back. We're not ones to rain on anybody's parade, but if a dog has been missing for four months, it might take more than a few "Dou Dou Come Home" (豆豆回家) signs to encourage (read: resurrect) him.

A Nanjing animal rescue organization has been supporting Lu's efforts, and the man has focused primarily on the area around Nanjing University, where he says he last saw the dog.

If Lu truly wants to bring Dou Dou back into his loving arms, we humbly suggest a slightly different tactic:

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