Red Lantern Party with Baozza & Jing-A @ Zarah

Last Updated: 21/09/2024 | Posted by: Cafezarah
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This event has finished
February 22, 2019
Venue Name
Cafe Zarah
46 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District
8403 9807

Join Zarah's “RED Lantern Party with Baozza & Jing-A", if you want to dance under red lanterns to underground beats of some of Beijing's well-known DJs! Attention to Baozza-fans: Baozza has recently launched two new savory flavors (“Italian Sausage” & “Hawaii”) which will be available during the party as part of a special deal together with Jing-A’s limited-edition Koji RED Ale. This special Jing-A draft beer is a 5.5% blushing RED ale brewed with Koji sake rice, wasabi root and ginger. It will be pouring from the taps at RMB 50 per glass with the following special offer until the kegs run dry:

Buy 1 Koji get 1 new flavor Baozza (vegetarian “Spinach Cheese” flavor part of the deal)
Buy 1 Koji get 1 Koji!

The whole of Zarah will be decorated with RED lanterns incl. its beautiful outdoor courtyard where special outdoor heating & RED blankets will be waiting for you as well as a Garden Bar serving Zarah's secret recipe hot Gluehwine.

Map of Cafe Zarah

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