5 Ancient Fashions for the Modern Wardrobe

By Ziyi Yuan, January 19, 2017

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Chinese New Year is approaching, making it the perfect time to update your wardrobe with pieces from designers who are incorporating historic motifs into fresh fashion lines. Below, we’ve compiled some of the more interesting elements of classic Chinese garb.

1. Journey to the West (pictured above)

Sinophile or not, you’ve likely heard of the classic novel Journey to the West. Husenji recently introduced cufflinks dedicated to the novel’s four main characters. Though subtle, these cufflinks serve as great conversations starters with eagle-eyed business associates.

Cufflinks by Husenji
RMB199, www.husenji.com

2. Chinese Knots


The decorative Chinese knot is actually an ancient folk art, but also serves as a regular knot. Shanghai Tang makes a chic velvet jacket with beautiful printed lining along with a cut that evokes a traditional Chinese style.

Velvet Jacket with Printed Lining by Shanghai Tang
RMB6,900, www.shanghaitang.cn


Another stylish example is made by Eyensree and comes in the form of a down coat for men. The designer has eschewed the usual zipper for three fancy knots, giving the jacket a distinctly oriental flair.

Down Coat by Eyensree
RMB1,258, Taobao Shop: Eyensree 意树

3. Chinese Boots


The look of Hanfu boots evolved over hundreds of years before falling out of vogue, but Husenji is bringing the ancient boots back with this eye-catching pair. Designed to shield against snow, they are as fashionable as they are functional.

Snow Boots by Husenji
RMB499, www.husenji.com

4. The Tang Suit


A style originating near the end of the Qing Dynasty, you've likely seen the Tang suit before, whether on period piece TV shows or wrapped around your elderly neighbors during Chinese New Year.

Fading from favor in Chinese mainland for decades, the style has made a comeback and is no longer reserved for cranky old men. Husenji sells a white Tang suit adorned with a cartoon – just the trick for children interested in this traditional outfit.

Tang Suit by Husenji
RMB1,699, www.husenji.com

5. Embroidered Chinese Wedding Dress


Tired of white weddings? This red and gold wedding qipao is sure to shake things up. Refosian, one of the oldest qipao shops in the world, makes dresses for all occasions, including tying the knot. The Chinese character for happiness is inked onto the corners of the dress, while a Chinese-style Phoenix is also emblazoned across the center of the skirt.

Wedding Qipao
RMB99,999, www.refosian.com

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