ANCIENT SNOW FOREVERMORE Zeng Haibo's Shanshui Exhibition

Last Updated: 19/06/2024 | Posted by: thatsmarketing
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This event has finished
May 17 - 28, 2024
Venue Name
Shenzhen Art Museum (East Lake Pavilion)
Shenzhen Art Museum, Inside Donghu Park, No.32 Donghu 1st Street, Aiguo Road, Luohu
2542 6069


This exhibition, themed "Eternal Snow," centers on the imagery of cold mountains, forests, and scholars, inspired by Du Fu's poem, "A thousand autumn snows reflected in the window, boats from ten thousand miles docked at the door." This reflects a significant feature of Zeng Haibo's landscape paintings: "poetry within painting, painting within poetry," embodying the highest ideals of traditional literati painting. Zeng Haibo's depicted forests and springs exude an ethereal quality, reaching a subtle and profound realm. Upon closer inspection, bold strokes suggest the vigorous growth of branches. His depictions of snowy mountains and secluded valleys, where human traces are rare, feature peaks shrouded in clouds and mists, and robust branches full of life. The atmosphere is serene and expansive, full of natural innocence.

Map of Shenzhen Art Museum (East Lake Pavilion)

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