China Reports 61 New Local Covid-19 Cases on Tuesday

By That's, August 3, 2021

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The Chinese mainland recorded 61 new local COVID-19 cases on Monday, according to a daily report by China’s National Health Commission on Tuesday.

The recent outbreak started with cases of the Delta variant detected in Jiangsu’s capital Nanjing. Reuters reports that the infections were traced back to a flight from neighboring Russia.

So far, local confirmed cases have largely been contained to Nanjing, with strict measures and citywide COVID-19 testing underway. On Tuesday morning, six cases were reported in Hunan, three in Hubei, two each in Henan and Yunnan and one each in Beijing, Shanghai and Fujian.

The commission also reported 29 new imported COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, including eight from Yunnan, six from Guangdong, three each in Tianjin, Shanghai and Sichuan, two each in Jiangsu and Shaanxi and one each in Fujian and Shandong.

This latest outbreak comes just over one month after sections of Guangzhou were cordoned off due to a rise in local cases.

City governments have ramped up efforts to get residents vaccinated in China. In Guangzhou, a recent video surfaced of a residential management worker obstructing a woman from entering her neighborhood since she had not been vaccinated. Public places including malls in Guangzhou and Tianjin have also called for mall workers or visitors to get vaccinated.

As of July 29, over 1.6 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses had been given in China.

[Cover image via That’s]

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