Woman Gets Arm Stuck in Toilet After Trying to Retrieve Phone Battery

By Matthew Bossons, May 17, 2017

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A woman in Huizhou, Guangdong, found herself in a rather awkward and likely odorous situation earlier this month when she got her arm stuck in a squat toilet while attempting to recover a dropped phone battery, according to the Daily Mail.

Why she decided the phone battery (which are relatively cheap to purchase in South China) was worth shoving her arm down a hole that normally plays host to bodily fluids is beyond us, but she went for it and ended up stuck for what must have been an uncomfortable 40 minutes.

The unnamed woman, who is reportedly an employee at a factory on Chenjiang Dadao in Huizhou, was eventually freed by firefighters from the Zhongkai Fire Department, who broke the toilet after wrapping her arm in potty-proof protection. Sadly, her battery was lost to the piping below the loo.


Once freed the female factory worker was transported to hospital to receive treatment for a swollen arm.

While this story seems undoubtedly unique, it is worth noting that this is the fifth time in 2017 that someone has gotten their arm stuck in a toilet in Huizhou, according to a report by Dayoo.com.

Watch the rescue operation below (VPN off):

[Images via QQ Video]

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