China Scraps COVID Tests for Inbound Travelers

As of August 30, inbound travelers to the Chinese mainland will no longer be required to show a negative COVID test.

by Alistair Baker-Brian, 28 August 2023

PHOTOS: 274 Million China Trips Taken Over May Holiday

Good news for China's domestic travel market.

by Alistair Baker-Brian, 04 May 2023

China Scraps PCR Tests for ALL Arrivals

The PCR test can be replaced with a rapid antigen test (RAT) taken within 48 hours prior to check-in.

by Alistair Baker-Brian, 25 April 2023

Passenger with 56 Items of Luggage Seized by Guangzhou Customs

Guangzhou Customs officials seized 56 boxes of electronic devices weighing 1.3 tons.

by Billy Jiang, 14 April 2023

Shenzhen to See Heavy Cross Border Traffic in Coming Days

Shenzhen's border ports are expected to see a significant increase in traffic.

by Billy Jiang, 07 April 2023

The Secret Kitchens of Jiangxi's Village Ayis Cooking Experience

Book now for an exclusive, bespoke immersive cooking experience in remote Jiangxi villages

by Sophie Steiner, 06 April 2023

How Will British Passport Office Strike Affect Brits in China?

British passport office workers are currently on a five-week strike. But how does the strike affect Brits in China?

by Billy Jiang, 04 April 2023

THESE Cities in China Now Have Direct Trains to Hong Kong

High-speed train routes between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong were suspended entirely during COVID-19.

by Alistair Baker-Brian, 23 March 2023

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