In our monthly series 'Getting Moderately Deep With... ' we ask a food vendor tough questions. Well, sort-of tough.
This month we meet Ma, who owns a popular xiaolongbao shop just a walk away from Beijing’s Shuangjing station.
What is the first thing you thought when
you woke up this morning?
I have to make money. You know, the things
you have to think to motivate yourself in the
How are you feeling today?
Great! I feel healthy. We had a decent number
of customers today and the weather is nice
Who is your best customer?
For me, a person that has good manners is
good enough. The very best customers are
the loyal ones who keep coming back, of
Who is your worst customer?
The loud and rude ones that don’t respect us.
Thankfully, we serve only beer here and don’t
get many drunk customers.
Which living person do you most admire?
That would be my husband. He’s really good
all around. He loves me very much, he’s always in a good mood and helps me out a lot
Who is your idol?
Hong Kong actor Liu Dehua, no question. In
the ’80s he really was the idol of our generation.
When and where were you happiest?
When I got married. But every year when I
go back home to visit my parents I also feel
extremely happy.
Which talent would you most like to have?
I literally have never thought about this. Ever.
Honestly, I think I am doing good enough
now. I don’t think longing for a talent I cannot
possess is of any use. I have the most important one already: the ability to make money.
What do you consider your greatest
Giving birth to my boy.
If you could change one thing about your
life, what would it be?
I don’t think there’s anything I would change
– I’m very satisfied. As long as I am healthy,
there’s nothing else I’d change.
What is your most treasured possession?
My family and nothing else.
What trait do you most value in a person?
A good smile.
What is it that you most dislike?
Relating to other people only in a transactional way.
What is your motto?
Make money. Jiayou!
What always makes you laugh?
When a customer who I haven’t seen for
weeks comes back. That always feels good.
Find Ma and her Hangzhou-style xiaolongbao at Shop No. 8, 22 Fulicheng Area B, Chaoyang 朝阳区富 力城B区22号8号商店
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