WIN! M March Mini Literary Festival Passes

M on the Bund once again hosts literary talent from around the world and we're giving away a pair of tickets to the M Mini March Literary Festival.

by THAT'S, 15 March 2016

WIN! Tickets to Punchline Comedy Irish Night

Punchline Comedy has lined up a triple-headlining bill that’s all Irish and all-fun. They're playing three shows across the city from Mar 10-12.

by THAT'S, 01 March 2016

Ruben Paul - The Latest KFK Podcast

This week, the Kung Fu Komedy krew chat with Ruben Paul, International Stand-Up.

by THAT'S, 29 February 2016

Brian Offenther - The Latest KFK Podcast

This week, the Kung Fu Komedy krew chat with Brian Offenther, DJ BO and China chutzpah.

by THAT'S, 23 February 2016

Drew Campbell - The Latest KFK Podcast

This week, the Kung Fu Komedy krew chat with Drew Campbell, founder and manager of the World Health Store.

by THAT'S, 16 February 2016

Dr. Andrew Field - The Latest KFK Podcast

This week, the Kung Fu Komedy krew chat with Dr. Andrew Field, Associate Dean at Duke Kunshan University.

by THAT'S, 25 January 2016

Christopher Makos - The Latest KFK Podcast

This week, the Kung Fu Komedy krew chat with Christopher Makos, photographer and Andy Warhol collaborator.

by THAT'S, 18 January 2016

In Case You Missed It…

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