International music, dancing, snacks, activities – Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University’s second International Fair on Saturday, May 13 promises something for all.
Under this year’s theme of Let’s Connect, the XJTLU and local resident communities can enjoy events and activities together at the University’s South Campus Central Lake area, No. 8 Chongwen Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, from 4-8pm.
The public is welcome to the outdoor party, which will include:
Musical performances
Dance performance
DJ show
The launch of Light & Wings e-magazine
An international photography exhibition
Henna tattoos
Face painting
Thai, Cuban & Polish food
And drinks
All events and activities, except for food and drinks, are free of charge.
Salsa performance at XJTLU’s first International Fair in 2019
4-4.30pm Warm-up – try henna tattoos or face painting or check out the international photography exhibition; enjoy Jammala, a band from Shanghai inspired by traditional West African drum music, which is composed of members from Japan, China and other countries
4.35-4.40pm Opening speech – Professor Qiuling Chao, Vice President of XJTLU
4.40-4.45pm Talk – Professor Youmin Xi, Executive President of XJTLU
4.50-5pm Champagne ceremony – XJTLU 17th anniversary celebration
5-5.10pm Live band – Take 5 is a dynamic group of five students from different countries who create music that blends their diverse backgrounds
5.30-5.45pm Salsa dance performance – Heart Beat Life, a local salsa and Latin dance community
6-6.10pm Music performance – a band whose lead singer is Daisuke Yamaguchi, a lecturer from XJTLU’s School of Languages
6.15-6.18pm Suzhou cultural experiences video
6.50-7pm Launch of Light & Wings e-magazine
7-8pm DJ performance
Concurrent activities:
Outside – Activities including henna tattoos, face painting, and drumming
X-Bar – Light & Wings e-magazine information and 地方: Place and Space photography exhibition. At 7pm in X-bar, Pinglang Zhou, an internationally renowned photographer based in Shanghai and juror for the contest, will present certificates to winners.
The second XJTLU International Fair has been endorsed by Suzhou International Day 2023.
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