Test Your Garbage Sorting Skills with This Fun Game

By Bridget O'Donnell, June 27, 2019

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With garbage sorting regulations being implemented across China, now’s the time to familiarize yourself with the new trash classification system. 

Can't tell your recyclable waste from your residual waste? There’s a game for that!

Compatible on both mobile and desktop, this fun game tests your waste sorting knowledge as you place virtual trash into different bins.

To get started, scan the QR code below (or click here):

Test Your Garbage Sorting Skills with This Fun Game

Once you access the home screen, click the ‘start game’ (游戏开始) button on the right. (If you want a quick primer on the four main trash sorting categories, tap the 垃圾分类小知识 button on the left).

Garbage Sorting
Screengrab via jggame.net

From there, you have three minutes to sort through as much trash as you can. 

Test Your Garbage Sorting Skills with This Fun Game
Screengrab via jggame.net

Rubbish comes at you faster as the clock winds down to zero, so move quickly!

Test Your Garbage Sorting Skills with This Fun Game
Screengrab via jggame.net

READ MORE: 4 Products That Make Sorting Your Trash Easier

[Cover image via jggame.net]

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