37°C and Up! Hainan Issues Heat Warnings

By Vanessa Jencks, May 10, 2021

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Chinese news and media outlets have been ablaze with announcements yesterday and today that Hainan cities will be experiencing level 3 and 4 heat waves over the next 10 days. Level 4 is when temperatures reach higher than 37 degrees Celsius while level 3 is when it reaches 40 degrees. Ligao, Chengmai, Danzhou, Baisha, Changjiang, Dongfang, Tunchang and Ding’an are expected to simmer the most.


Psyduck is here to help us freak out.
Screengrab via
Sanya WeChat Force

Though Sanya residents may feel like the sun is melting their faces off, the ocean breeze has provided the southern edge and eastern coast of Hainan with a cooling effect. Still remember to cover your arms and shoulders as you moped around to avoid the unpleasant experience of sun blisters.


Of course you’ll be sure to remember to drink plenty of water, but pay attention for heat exhaustion in children who play in the sunshine for an extended amount of time. Also don’t forget to adjust temperatures for beloved pets who are left at home during the day.

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Tourists are encouraged to remember that sunburns are deceitfully quick to bake. Avoid the beach during the hottest part of the day especially during this heat wave.

Stay tuned this week with tips on where to go to stay cool as Sanya’s summer heats up.

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[Cover image via Pexels]

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