AX COVAP Hosts Exclusive Spanish Ham Summer Road show

By Sponsored, May 27, 2024

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Founded and led by Selina Li, Alta Expression (AX COVAP) is the exclusive distributor for COVAP (La Cooperativa Ganadera del Valle de los Pedroches) in China. With a history spanning more than 60 years, COVAP is one the biggest cooperatives of Ibérico ham producers in Spain.


To mark the beginning of summer, AX COVAP, in cooperation with Basque Culinary Center and Torres Wine, held their much-awaited annual road show and gourmet soirée with a special appearance from Pedro Salado – the sales director of COVAP for Asia and Africa – in Shanghai and Beijing.


The roadshow featured a full sensory master class on Ibérico ham conducted by Agustin Diaz Camacho – a master ham carver from Spain – and Justin Liu from Taiwan, China.


The master class was followed by a spectacular dinner prepared by John Regefalk – the head chef from Basque Culinary Center.


In Beijing, the event was held at the Rôti garden area of Maison FLO where Chef Regefalk and FLO's Executive Chef Victor Yu teamed up to present a 7-course menu using Ibérico ham in a variety of creative ways for 34 special guests from the media and culinary circuits of the capital.

[All photos are courtsey of AX COVAP]

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