How to Get Rid of That Beijing Health Kit Pop-up Window

By Alistair Baker-Brian, August 31, 2022

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Use of health codes has now become part of daily COVID-19 life in China. In Beijing, few need a reminder of the importance of the Beijing Health Kit (北京健康宝) – an all-in-one mini-program with your nucleic acid test results, vaccination status, etc. 

What happens when you click the 'Query' on 'Me' option and see the dreaded pop-up window, known as tanchuang (弹窗) in Chinese? 


The dreaded pop-up window on the Beijing Health Kit

For those outside of Beijing, it means you can’t return to the city. Meanwhile, for those in Beijing, it means you effectively can’t take part in “normal life” – given the Health Kit is a necessity to go almost anywhere. 

Recently, a number of people have told That’s that the pop-up window has appeared on their Beijing Health Kit – two individuals in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, respectively, have been unable to return to Beijing; another individual got the pop-up window after returning to the capital from Fujian province; and another individual already in Beijing got a pop-up window, having recently returned from Tianjin where there are a number of new COVID-19 cases.   

So, we thought now would be a good time to remind readers (in case you didn’t know already) of what the four different pop-up windows mean, and what you can do to help get rid of them: 

No. 1 – Returnees to Beijing from Places With One or More New Cases

You may see this if you have traveled within seven days to a county (县) outside of Beijing where there has recently been one or more new cases of COVID-19. 

Solution: If you’re outside of Beijing, you need to make sure you have spent at least seven days in an area without any new cases before your Health Kit is back to normal.

If you’re already in Beijing, make sure to report to your residential community, as well as your place of work. Just doing a nucleic acid test without taking the aforementioned step will not automatically get rid of the pop-up window.  

No. 2 – Arrivals from Outside the Chinese Mainland 

We all know the drill here! Those who enter the Chinese mainland from elsewhere must adhere to the ‘7+3’ policy – seven days centralized quarantine followed by three days of home quarantine. 

Solution: In this case, it’s fairly self-explanatory. Complete the quarantine and all the testing that comes with it. Enough said. 

No. 3 – Suspected COVID-related Contact from Either Within or Outside of Beijing 

This will appear if you are suspected to have come into contact with a COVID-risk area, COVID-risk individual(s), etc. within or outside of Beijing.   

Solution: Like with No. 1, if you’re outside of Beijing, you need to make sure you have spent at least seven days in an area without any new cases.

If you’re already in Beijing, make sure to report to your residential community, as well as your place of work. Just doing a nucleic acid test without taking the aforementioned step will not automatically get rid of the pop-up window. 

Only once it is determined that you have no link with any area or individual(s) considered a COVID-19 risk will your Health Kit return to normal. 

No. 4 – Failure to Complete a Required Nucleic Acid Test on Time

Failure to complete a nucleic acid test in the following circumstances may result in no. 4 pop-up window:

  • Within 72 hours of arrival in Beijing

  • Within 72 hours of buying certain medicines

  • Within 72 hours of visiting a clinic for certain symptoms such as fever

  • Requirements from certain types of employers

  • Other circumstances 

Solution: Get tested!

One More Thing

You may also want to try using the Beijing 12345 WeChat Official Account (search 北京 12345), and following the steps below. 


Open the 北京12345 WeChat Official Account, click 民意直通 and follow the steps below





The WeChat Official Account will then ask you to input your information. If necessary, get a Chinese speaker to help.

It may be the case that clarifying certain information via the said Official Account allows your Health Kit to return to normal.  

You can also try calling the Beijing 12345 hotline available in English and other languages. 

Remember that if you’re returning to Beijing, you need more than just a normal Beijing Health Kit. Make sure to have a negative nucleic acid test result issued within 48 hours before you depart, and undergo another nucleic acid test between 24 and 72 hours after arrival in Beijing. 

[Cover image via Weibo/@悦悦青鸟. All in-text images via That's/Alistair Baker-Brian]

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