WATCH: Empty Streets in Guangzhou as Infections Remain High

By That's, December 16, 2022

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A local man in Guangzhou has taken to capturing videos of Guangzhou during the latest wave of infections to show people just how empty the streets are. 

The man visits areas that would normally be full of people, including popular malls and supermarkets to show netizens the effect the current pandemic wave is having on the city. 

In the video below, the man, known as Xiao Wu, explains that COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted for two weeks and even when COVID policies were in place, the places he visits would be busier than they are now. 

When walking down a street with lots of restaurants, Xiao wu says that there are fewer people outside because they have either tested positive for COVID-19 or are too scared of getting the virus to go outside. 

[Image via Weibo]

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