Listening to the Whisper in Silence

Last Updated: 01/06/2024 | Posted by: thatsmarketing
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May 16 - August 4, 2024
Venue Name
He Xiangning Art Museum
9013 Shennan Da Dao
2660 4540


In this exhibition, we have carefully selected around sixty exquisite paintings from the collection of the Beijing Academy of Painting by Yu Feiyan. Departing from the conventional timeline, our narrative follows two thematic threads: "Between Mountains and Waters" and "World of Flora," organized under the categories of "Old Styles, New Techniques" and "Rich Tradition, Fresh Innovation." Beyond the artworks, we invite the audience to immerse themselves in the context of literature and natural history. Though depicted as flora and fauna, each leaf and branch carries profound human sentiments. Delve into the opulence and splendor, and appreciate Yu Feiyan's efforts and achievements in both tradition and innovation. Experience his celebration of the spirit of the times, his dedication to traditional art, and the enchantment of literature and natural history!

Map of He Xiangning Art Museum

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