China Welcomes 2,029 Visitors on 1st Day of New Visa-Free Policy

By Billy Jiang, December 5, 2023

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In a significant move to boost tourism and promote international exchanges, China officially implemented a visa-free entry policy for citizens holding ordinary passports from six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia. 

The policy came into effect on December 1, marking a new phase in China's efforts to facilitate travel and cultural exchange.

READ MORE: China Announces Visa-Free Travel for These 6 Countries...

According to data released by the National Immigration Administration of China, on the first day of the policy's implementation, a total of 2,029 citizens from the aforementioned six countries entered China visa-free.

Among these, Malaysian citizens accounted for the highest number, with 1,113 individuals entering China without a visa. 

French citizens followed with 227 entries, showing the most significant daily increase among the six countries, with a growth rate of 52.31%. 

Overall, the number of visitors from these six countries entering China increased by 12.54% compared to the day before.

The visa-free policy aims to streamline travel procedures, making it more convenient for citizens of these countries to visit China for purposes such as tourism, business, and family visits.

As the visa-free policy takes effect, it opens up new opportunities for global travelers, and the initial positive response suggests a potential increase in international visits to China. 

For those interested in exploring China's rich cultural heritage, this policy presents an attractive prospect.

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[Cover image via Billy Jiang/That's]

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