Last Updated: 27/07/2024 | Posted by: thatsmarketing
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This event has finished
May 21 - 30, 2024
Venue Name
Duende Art Museum
Duende Art Museum, No.105, Building 1, Happy Coast, The OCT Harbor Plus, Shunde


Transcendence means that the creator of art guides the audience to interact and connect with the implicit meaning of the work through the expression of his embodied presence. Behind all present expressions lie many absent imaginations, so that the true value of the image actually lies in the immense fantasy space hidden behind the screen.

Don Ide once proposed that technology stands between us and the world, constantly adjusting our understanding of the world. Today, digital technology has fully penetrated the details of life. Digital content serves as a means of compensating for the sensory experience we lack in real life. The stimulation of psychological space enhances the cognition of physical space and ultimately transcends presence. of the present. The method helps us to amplify and complete the subtle parts of emotional expression that are difficult to express. The 10 artists taking part in the exhibition have grown up during the millennium with the rapid development of the Internet. Screens have been used throughout their growth, and images have become one of their most commonly used and familiar means of expression. This time, they deconstructed and reconstructed scenes from everyday life in the form of experimental short films, used editing technology to reprocess their perceptions and cognitive methods, and shared their cognitive world with the public in virtual presence.

Map of Duende Art Museum

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