At around 6pm on July 2, a Mr. Huang from Guangzhou entered a Zhongshan H&M retail location, blindly grabbed a pair of pants and made a beeline for the store’s fitting rooms.
Once inside, 26-year-old Huang set a small camera he purchased online atop the changing booth before retreating to a nearby room. With the camera synced to his phone, the high-tech ‘peeping Tom’ proceeded to watch as people entered the small room to try on clothes.
Luckily for fit-curious H&M customers, the camera was horribly positioned (amateur move) and Huang was only able to get a look at the tops of their oblivious heads.
At 7.05pm the camera was discovered by a customer, who alerted store staff. Huang quickly exited the premises as a curious crowd gathered around the fitting area.
Understandably concerned that he would be caught, ‘peeping Huang’ deleted the camera-linked app.
Huang evaded capture for over a week. He was finally apprehended by police – who identified him from CCTV footage – in Zhongshan on July 11. According to a Zhongshan Television report, none of the footage captured by Huang was saved or shared online. Phew.
What’s next for Huang? Who knows, but we are sure it will involve court and perhaps a nude walk through the H&M location he targeted while an old woman in a qipao follows closely behind, banging a gong and yelling chiru (shame).
READ MORE: Man Caught 'Upskirting' at Football Game in Guangzhou
[Image via Tencent News]
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