Last month we reported on a Guangdong man who shoved a half-meter long eel up his butt to relieve constipation and today we bring you this: another man in Guangdong recently visited the hospital after shoving an alcohol bottle into the same orifice for the same reason.
The assident (when your a*s has an accident) happened in Zhongshan after the man, surnamed Li, dined on spicy food with some friends. For some incomprehensible reason, Li decided the only way to deal with the spice-induced bowel issues was to shove a bottle into his butt.
Eight centimeters tall and 5 centimeters in diameter, the container was lodged so firmly in the man’s anus that it required surgery to remove.
Li, who heard about this 'folk prescription' from others and reportedly pulled if off a few times in the past, stated that he is “very sorry” for his actions and that he would not try this method of constipation relief in the future.
Clearly there’s no shortage of people willing to shove foreign objects up their anus to relieve bowel issues.
READ MORE: Man Crams Half-Meter-Long Eel Up His Butt to 'Relieve Constipation'
[Images via Tencent News]
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