Recent Sinopec hire took bribes to pay for mistress

By Stefan Van Assche, March 12, 2014

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Qiao Hongcheng, a 28 year old employee of oil company Sinopec has been accused of accepting a 60,000 yuan ($9,780) bribe only a year after being hired, Beijing News reports. The man was reported by his father-in-law after his wife discovered he was having an affair.

Qiao, a postgraduate student at Xi’an Jiaotong University, joined a subsidiary of state-owned China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, also known as Sinopec, in Beijing. He said he was involved in a bidding war for an engineering project in 2012 and was later approached by an employee of the winning company from Shanghai, who gave him money.

“He told me, as is common practice in the industry, I’ll give you three per cent commission,” Qiao told a Beijing court. “It was the first time I did this. I didn’t understand the industry rules."

He allegedly gave half of the money to his now ex-wife and the other to his girlfriend. When the girlfriend found out he was married, she called the wife and told her about their relationship.

His wife divorced Qiao, prompting his ex-father-in-law to report him to the authorities.

[Image via Flickr]

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